Reptilians Kidnapping Our Higherselves

A common theme which is occurring in my work is the deception of the Reptilians on the Human Race. I have had individuals come for help and when looking in it is apparent that their higher self is nowhere to be seen. It also comes to light  that the Reptilians are deceiving them to give up their higher self in exchange for a false  peace within.

Our higher self is essential to connect to life and also for us to ascend. Without it we stay in this 3D reality and become a soulless being. Our higher self holds all the dimensions  and when fully connected to our higher self we are able to connect to all the dimensions and experience the multidimensional beings that we all are. The higher self likes a healthy body, one that isn’t weighted down by trauma, pain or depression. It is therefore essential in transforming our pain and healing our bodies so the higher self can connect to our physical. Ascension can only happen when fully connected to our higher-selves.

When conducting healing I connect with ones higher self and when communicating with the individuals higher self, it is a loving, caring, non judgmental part of themselves. It is very knowledgeable of our life here on Earth; why the individual came to Earth and knowledge of all the lives this individual has ever lived. Its the higher self which gives us our intuition, the whisperer which if we listen to guides us gently through life, which cares and loves us and wants us to fully connect and shine our beauty out and be the amazing individuals that we are.

The first time I had a individual come for help for this common theme which I have encountered, was earlier this year. This individual was not feeling right, they felt numb, unable to connect to life and to themselves and knew something was wrong, but couldn’t put their finger on it. Totto looked in and discovered the higher-self wasn’t connected or anywhere to be seen, it was gone! I decided to investigate. I traveled to Sirius. These are beings out in the Universe who help me especially when I’m dealing with dark ET’s. Sirius beings bring far more authority then I have on my own and are a great support when dealing with the dark ETs. Fortunately Sirius knew where the lost higher selves were being incarcerated, so with the presence of the Sirius beings by my side we traveled  to a prison like facility in the Universe, guarded by Reptilians. They were holding countless of higher-selves within this facility. I asked for my clients higher self and it was granted. The pissed off Reptilian returned my clients higher self. The higher self was exhausted so much so he couldn’t even hold himself up and was too weak to fully know what was going on. I had to find out how this happened!  How did they do this to this individual?  The Reptilians informed me that they created false traumatic memories within the individual that when he was in an unconscious state, they appeared as Angels and offered him peace (which turns out to be a false peace) and he agreed. He gave his power away and during the course of my work this is a common theme and this has happened to countless of individuals here on Earth. Many individuals may not even question their feelings of disconnection and carry on like zombies, disconnected to their essence of their true selves.

I wish I could go and free all these higher selves at this prison facility but technically these humans have agreed to their own incarceration, so I am powerless. The individuals have to become conscious of their disconnection and seek help.

Communicating with the Reptilians they have informed me that they deceive humans in giving away their higher-self so they can store them in-exchange for resources from other ET races. That they are employed by other dark races to carry out this type of work. The Reptilians asked me not to put this information out as if people woke up to this type of abuse and deception on the human race it will have a direct threat on how the Reptilians live their way of life. It seemed to me that these type of resources which is provided to them by other ET’s is essential for their daily living.

Its becoming apparent that the Reptilians are not living true to themselves either. That they are also controlled and governed by higher ETs. In fact the human race taking back our own self power and fully gaining back our own solar chakras as individuals and the whole of the collective consciousness, we will not only free ourselves but disrupt the whole governed dark races in the universe. The pyramid system will surely collapse and the Archons/AI will surely be in trouble. The human race may actually be the ticket to freedom for the whole of the universe. What an amazing and important journey we are on!!!!





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